Development WordPress Multisite Sites

What is WordPress Multisite

WordPress Multisite is the way to add multiple websites to a WordPress installation. It can be done on both existing WordPress sites and newly created sites. And it can be done in different ways:

  • Subfolders. This is subdirectories to indicate different sites. It is very useful for a page with different languages ​​( /es/ or /en/ )
  • Subdomains. Different sites could be made, having a different subdomain: For example: in close·marketing for the English language. It is also useful for multilanguage, and also to offer different services on a website, such as an online academy:
  • Multidomains. Very suitable if we want to maintain a network of sites and that they all depend on a single WordPress installation. It can be used for different domains if you want to go to different countries, for example .es, .com, .fr, etc, or on the contrary, you want to work with a network of sites with the same programming.

What is WordPress Multisite for?

  • WordPress multisite sites offer different uses and the most frequent are:
  • Create a multilingual site with different domains and high SEO potential in each of the languages ​​included.
  • Group different websites.
  • Site hosting is efficient when we have multiple client sites.
  • Multisite sites for a company intranet.

Multisite Benefits

At Close·marketing we are big fans of multisite websites and we use them for many of our clients. One of the reasons is because of the advantages it provides for being a great and very efficient tool.

  • More efficient code: Running multiple sites on the same network means less code, which takes up less server space. You can save money on theme hosting and save time on having that code updated.
  • More efficient development: In the case of developing websites with custom themes and using a base theme as a starting point, the multisite option allows you to install said theme in WordPress and save time.
  • Easier update management: Keeping a WordPress network up to date will be much more efficient, faster, and easier than doing it for multiple WordPress installations. The update must be one time regardless of the websites that are active.
  • User management made easy: WordPress multisite makes it easy to add new users to your network and set their roles. This means you don’t have to go to each site’s admin panel to add it.

Under what conditions is it useful to perform WordPress Multisite?

We analyze when it is appropriate to add a WordPress Multisite site and when it is not. In general, we can say that when you need to manage multiple WordPress websites, this option is the best. But let’s see different scenarios in which you can find yourself:

  • If you have a network of personal pages that don’t require individual hosting, WordPress Multisite is a great option.
  • You need to manage different hostings in the same network.
  • Your website is complex and requires multiple subdirectories or subdomains, so WordPress Multisite allows you to do just that. This is a perfect tool for complex websites that need to be separated into specific sections, such as a blog and a store running side by side.Tu servidor de hosting solo te permite una base de datos.
  • Your hosting server only allows you one database. Using multisite we can have more than one hosted site running on WordPress

Multisite is a very powerful tool and if the situation is right, it is perfect. At Close marketing we study your case and carry out the development of WordPress Multisite sites if it suits your needs, in the event that it brings advantages to your site

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