Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we are dedicated to projecting visual communications aimed at transmitting specific messages to social groups. This is where our graphic design part is involved, we do many types of graphic design work in Granada. Here are some examples:

Logo design

The logo performs two basic functions:

  • The first, brand recognition. The design has to be identifiable with the brand, a concept that starts in your logo and can be as broad as you want.
  • The second objective is memorization. To do this, a logo must be simple, not in its elaboration but in its essence. In other words, it must be, easy to understand for us to associate more easily with the brand.

We care about designing an original logo that conveys well the brand values or ideas that exist behind it.

Logotipo Vidagua para diseño
Logo Diseño Gráfico Gleenko

Corporate identity design

It is born from the logo and tries to transmit the same image in the different elements that are in contact with customers, and reference audience. Thus we get a distinguishable image with the naked eye of what comes out of our company.

We design all kinds of business cards, A4 stationery, stationery, merchandising, advertising brochures,etc.

See more work done on corporate identity design.

Corporate catalog design

Do you want to group your products and services into one document? The importance of the catalogue in the company’s march is known to all. At Closemarketing we will create an original catalog, with the corporate colors of the company and the logo, getting this catalog to create harmony with the entire original and differentiated image of the brand in order to obtain a recognition and memorization of the brand by customers.

Discover everything we can offer youClose Elemento

Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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