Types of ads in Google Ads you need to know about

If you want to know what types of ads in Google Ads exist, you are at the right time and place 🙂

The largest advertising network, both by number of advertisers and by investment, puts at our disposal different options in terms of advertising. And we detail them all!

Networking in Google Ads

Among them we can find the networks in which to advertise. Here are the places where Google can show the ads we want to launch:

  • Google site: Search Network, Display
  • Sites associated with Google
  • Other locations: mobile apps


In each of these networks, there are different types of ads, which in turn, will depend on the desired objective:

  • Sales
  • Sales opportunities
  • Website traffic
  • Brand consideration
  • Coverage and brand awareness
  • Application promotion

Types of campaigns and ads

Once we are clear about our desired objective, we can see recommended functions and settings to achieve the results that most benefit your company. Choosing the type of campaign and types of ads in Google Ads is one of them.

The ad formats available depend on your campaign type (Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Apps, Discovery, Local) and goals. Each of them has certain characteristics.

Here are the different options:

1. Texto

They are ads in which only words appear. They are displayed above and below the search results. They consist of several parts: Title, display URL and description. They allow you to reach customers when they search on Google.

2. Adaptable

They are text or image ads that vary in size, appearance and shape to fit the advertising spaces and determine which ones get better results. They include various titles and descriptions.

3. Image

These are Google Ads ads that contain images or animated graphics in GIF format. They display the product or service more visually on Google partner websites.

4. Video

These are video ads that are displayed both on the YouTube network and on video partner sites. They show an enjoyable and interactive experience to customers.

5. Shopping

They are product ads that are shown to the user in which information is offered through an image, title, price, store name and other content. They present a more visual format and different from the rest of the types of ads in Google ads. These details allow the user to learn more about the product before clicking on the ad.

6. App Promotion

They are ads in which applications are promoted to get more downloads in addition to interactions. They can be directed to both an app store and the app directly.

7. Call

These are Google Ads ads that include your phone number.

As we have seen, Google Ads is a platform that offers us a wide variety of tools to create our ad campaigns in Google Ads.

If you have any questions or want to share with us your experience with the types of ads in Google Ads, do not hesitate to leave us a comment. 

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Ana Castillo

Apasionada del marketing. Mi objetivo es crear campañas mágicas para hacer que tus clientes te elijan siempre y sean fieles a tu marca.

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