We attended an event at the Barceló Granada Hotel organized by Business+ Pymes on how to boost SMEs by optimizing their management. I have come to him to nourish myself with the knowledge of great entrepreneurs and managers, of which I have taken note to be able to share with you.
The agenda has been structured in presentations and tables of 20 minutes, very well calculated and used by the speakers to provide information of great value.
Digitize our SME and increase our sales – Miguel Ángel Robles CEO Business Plus Network
First of all, a welcome from Miguel Ángel Robles, CEO of Business Plus Network, the organizing company of the event. Miguel Ángel has told us about the importance of digitizing our SME to increase our sales.
And it is true that due to the pandemic we have seen a great digital change in companies of all sizes. I always say that the digital change experienced in these last 2 years, was the one foreseen for a period of time of at least 5 years. It’s been crazy!
Some of the data that I highlight from the presentation of the CEO of Business Plus Network:
- With the pandemic we have been forced to transform and change business models focused on efficiency.
- Companies have been in need of growth, from € 0 at the beginning of the pandemic to recover their sales. At this point, from our agency, we have seen many different situations through our clients and our own experience. There are those who saw their sales boosted at the beginning of the pandemic, others paralyzed, other companies that had to reinvent themselves completely… It has been a very atypical situation and it has demanded a great change from all of us.
What does digitalization bring us?
- Improve the productivity of the company
- Improving company security
- We improve processes
- We optimize costs
Boosting our sales: marketing plans adapted to the context and our SME
Santiago S. Roldán, founder of Teampathy, then spoke about marketing and sales. He told us about organizations with purpose. Purpose is fundamental to the adaptation of a company.
Actions focused on sales
- Incoming sales. We provide value through content.
- Cross-selling. Cross-selling. Offer a product that is complementary to the one we have purchased. One of the best strategies to increase the purchase ticket.
- Up-selling. Sale of a product that offers greater conditions than the one we have chosen.
- Demonstrations.
- Email marketing.
- Events.
If our company understands selling as a process, we will understand that what we sell are experiences, not a product. You have to improve this whole process to win over the customer.
4 key concepts
- Social approval
- Authority
- Shortage
- Membership in unit groups
The advantages of having an ecommerce
These are some of the advantages that were detailed about having an ecommerce or e-commerce for a business:
- Flex
- Lower cost
- Greater profitability
- Greater reach
- Comparisons in favor
- More accessible
Difficulties and challenges of companies
- Technical maintenance
- Great competition
- The product does not exist, we can not touch it and try it
- Regulations are constantly changing
- The principle of possession disappears
- Last mile
- Packing
Examples of augmented reality
- wants to kick
- Ink Hunter
- wants nails
- Glasson
- Roomle
9 Trends to consider
In addition, this event showed some trends that companies should keep in mind:
- Sustainability
- ReCommerce and Upcycling
- Artificial intelligence, voice search, and high-quality images and videos
- Buy now and pay later
- The Quick.commerce
- Delivery Options
- Markets
- The local product
- Logistics automation

How the Digital Kit can help you optimize the management of your SME – Ernesto Fernández CEO Grupo a3Satel
The market has been transformed and has undergone changes that all businesses have had to adapt to their day to day:
- Telecommuting.
- Switch to a goal orientation
- Process optimization
- Automation of processes that do not add value to the company
- Digital relationships
- The way we relate to each other has totally changed since the pandemic. relationships have gone digital.
- Business portfolio analysis
Currently, the grants of the Digital Kit program offer the possibility to SMEs and freelancers to digitize their products and services. The Digital Kit program is an initiative that aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions to different companies to achieve technological maturation.
It is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, “Next Generation EU” and more than 3,000 million euros will be invested between 2022 and 2023.
Manage cash and liquidity effectively
Luis Gonzaga Chacón, Chief Financial Officer of Otero Group and Patricia Alex, Chief Financial Officer of Grupo Maciá Hoteles, tell us how to manage cash and liquidity in the most effective way for business.
- Assuming ideas is very good, but beware, an idea requires an investment and action plan.
- Financial expenses will increase shortly.
- Banking should focus on businesses and the short term.
The new labor reform: advantages and disadvantages for SMEs with Manuela Gómez Castillo, director of the firm Granada-Motril CE Consulting
Manuela Gómez Castillo, director of the firm Granada-Motril CE Consulting , tells us the advantages and disadvantages for SMEs and the changes that have been introduced, such as indefinite hiring and the threat of sanctions. The indefinite contract becomes the general rule. The goal is lower turnover and greater competitiveness in the company.
Developments in the procurement reform
- Presumption of indefinite contracting
- The employment and service contract disappears
- The discontinuous fixed contract is established as the star contract. It is given a new value and its casuistry is expanded. The intermittent execution contract is entered. Novelty for the worker: for the purposes of seniority and salary effects, the entire time of provision of the service will be taken into account, taking into account the periods of activity and inactivity.
- Indefinite contract assigned to the work.
Fixed-term contract
- Contracts for production circumstances, the old eventual.
- Occasional predictable and short-lived increase.
- Unpredictable occasional increase.
- Replacement contract
- It allows to replace the holidays (it is a major incongruity).
- Training contract
Measures to encourage open-ended recruitment
- Contractual concatenation is reduced. The period is reduced to 18 months
- Penalty of short-term contracts. What about companies that need these types of contracts?
- Tightening of sanctions. With the new reform the sanctions are individualized, if I have for example 5 contracts in fraud of law, I will have 5 sanctions of between € 1000 and € 10,000. Before they noticed, it was prosecuted and then the sanction was executed. Now, they first sanction and then it is processed.
- The term of the agreement will be maintained and the agreement of the sector will prevail
Contractors and subcontractors
- Duration of the employment and service contract
- Discontinuous fixed contract with a maximum of 3 months of inactivity
- Collective agreement of application is that of the activity that is being developed with said contract or subcontractor
Employment regulation files
- It is an alternative to the extinction of work
- ERTEs are here to stay
- This reform establishes the mechanisms to suspend or reduce the working hours of employees.
- New benefit in ERTE with 70% and will not consume unemployment
“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on the struggle against the old, but on the construction of the new” Socrates
It was a good day to learn more about optimizing SMEs to improve their management. There was no round of questions for the speakers and it is the only improvement that can be highlighted.