What no one told you about how to make Instagram reels

Instagram reels can help new users get to know your business and choose your brand. Do you know how to attract them? We reveal it to you!

According to studies on social networks, 93% of users see videos as a useful and decisive tool when choosing to buy a product or hire a service. Given the high interaction and consumption of this type of format, Instagram has been updating its platform focusing on prioritizing the video format. From changing the way in which the algorithm positions the video positively to the implementation of the TikTok model with the so-called “Reels”.

88% of marketers support investing more money in video campaigns and a quarter of consumers admit to having made a purchase after watching content in stories. Do you understand then the importance of this resource?

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What are Instagram reels

They are short videos that are uploaded to the platform, either in the “reels” section or shared in the usual feed. In this tool we can use the camera, include music from the library, use effects, filters, play with the recording speed, etc. It is a very good option to be creative and attract the attention of the public.

These Instagram reels can also be shared, commented and liked as if it were a normal post with the particularity of its brevity and easy viewing of content.

What are the benefits of making reels?

1. Your content reaches more audiences

Thinking about including Instagram reels in your social media strategy can help you improve awareness of your existence as a brand. 85% of Internet traffic is based on video, so this type of content is more consumed. Thanks to this, your video can be seen through the browsing feeds.

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2. Improve engagement

This type of content, apart from standing out among the algorithm, improves interaction with the public, loyalty and its reach .

3. Upload followers

Instagram reels reach many people who do not follow you so you can get new people to be part of their followers through this route.

How to include reels in your social media strategy

1. Study your brand and your current situation

The first thing we must do is analyze the current situation of the company in networks. To do this we must determine our target audience to know the needs and interests of those we are going to address (age, sex, tastes, etc.). We can also analyze the competition to know the trends of the sector and develop a calendar to comply where consistency is one of the pillars. For this, knowing how to determine your social media strategy is fundamental.

Lo Que Nadie Te Contó Sobre Cómo Hacer Reels De Instagram Tripode

2. Determine what kind of content we will do

Many times we think about achieving virality through trends of the moment, and while it is true that following them in certain cases is positive, we must not forget that the brand should be our main focus. It will be useless to seek to go viral through content that has nothing to do with what you sell. Among the types of Instagram reels we can see:

  • Those who educate: give valuable information to the user to better know the product or service. If we are a cosmetics brand, for example, we can talk about which moisturizer in our product range goes best with your skin type.
  • Those who entertain: a less intrusive way to sell through enjoyable content while being educated. Following the previous example, an influencer who while putting on makeup with the brand’s products tells how his passion for the world of cosmetics arose.

3. Analyze which hashtags will work best for us

The hashtag is one of the fundamental parts of our content if we want it to reach our audience, whether or not they are followers of our brand. To do this, our blog article on the hashtag can help you determine which ones you should use.

Ideas para reels de Instagram

  • Tutorials: Social networks have many benefits and among them the ability to learn things. Get your audience interested in your product or service. If for example we continue with the example of cosmetics, a tutorial to achieve an effect on the eyelid with a new makeup palette can be a very good option.
  • Before and after: you can show the change that using your brand produces.
  • Recipes: whether we are a restaurant, sell food products or we like the gastronomic world, seeing the process of a recipe will help make our mouth water to our audience.
  • Show products: this way we can give information about it, see it in a real way and help them decide to buy it.
  • Tips and tips: valuable content that will help the consumer with useful information.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: You will solve the concerns of the audience towards your company, product or service. Make yourself known! In this way you will solve the obstacles that stand in the way of consumers during their purchase process.
  • Humor: stand out with an informal and entertaining message that manages to bring a smile.
Lo Que Nadie Te Contó Sobre Cómo Hacer Reels De Instagram Movil

Tips for making them

  • Take care of your recording: from lighting and stability in the video to a good sound. Although it is easy to record a reel, do not forget that we must do it with quality.
  • Don’t leave a watermark: Be careful if you use a free video editor. Many have watermark that will ruin the professionalism of your video. Even Instagram can penalize you in the algorithm if it identifies that your video includes the TikTok watermark.
  • Attention-grabbing: Deliver content that stands out from the first second. Time is money! For example, it will be better to start the video with “the makeup that even Angelina Jolie can not stop using” to “hello, I’m Maria and I’m a makeup artist and I present this makeup”. You can grab attention with a good cover or an eye-catching headline. It’s time to be creative and bring out your originality.
  • Use trending sounds: it will help us position ourselves better and that people who are already familiar with audio stay to see our content.

With all these tips you will get your Instagram reels to reach much more audiences and increase your online presence. At Close·marketing we are experts in social media management and we help you achieve it.

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Álvaro Dallas

Con experiencia en la publicidad, mi pasión reside en el diseño. Mi objetivo es aportar soluciones gráficas e invitar a los clientes a un viaje hacia la creatividad.

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