How will the metaverse influence brands’ digital strategy?

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For months there has been one word that has crept into our conversations about digital marketing more and more frequently, the metaverse. Not only has it made an appearance in our day to day due to the change of name of the set of companies from the omnipresent Mark Zuckerberg to Meta, but it made us turn on the light bulb of a new field of action to all marketers.

But is it clear what the metaverse will mean for brands and marketing strategies

The metaverse was, is and will be with us

The metaverse was not invented yesterday. If we look back , Second Live, Fornite, Sims, we were already introduced to this virtual reality environment in which we could interact with avatars. 

Now we can find some brands that have shown their desire to create their environment in this virtual universe still under construction, making a prediction of the future and supporting the idea that this will be the direction that brands will take. 

As is often the case, the best-known brands with the greatest resources are the first to jump on the innovation bandwagon and look for new lines of action. That is why it is not surprising that brands such as Gucci, Walmart, Coca-Cola, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Hyundai or Sotheby’s, have already shown what their presence would be like in this virtual world. 

A trend for the brands of the future

The time clock, when it has to do with marketing, never stops. Therefore, brands have to remain constantly evolving and follow a frenetic pace so as not to be late to trends. And one of the trends that some brands are already leading and that establishes the line of the future of presence and sale on the internet, is the metaverse. That does not mean that everything will focus on this channel, but it will open a double channel of action for brands. 

The reasons why brands are called to direct their eyes and their sales strategies towards the metaverse are diverse. 

The main one is that this virtual space will become the place where the users who will constitute their future customers will be, who are a generation that has grown up in the online environment, social networks and the gamer world. 

In addition, brands will find in the metaverse a unique place in which to interact with the consumer and that he can know the brand better, creating an innovative experience as it had not been possible to design before. 

Without forgetting that this virtual space is destined to win the game to ecommerce as we know it until now. The metaverse offers users the possibility of visiting the virtual representation of a physical store through avatars, which will bring them closer to the product in a unique way.  

It will be the passage of time, as always, that will shape the actions and presence of companies in this virtual environment. Until then, there is no choice but to follow very closely what is happening and digitize businesses to be able to adapt at the moment when the change occurs quickly. 

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Gabriela Vaquera

Me anticipo a las necesidades de los clientes, uniendo innovación y creatividad, para que crezcan y se diferencien de la competencia. El futuro está por construirse, ¿empezamos?

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