On June 28, David Pérez and Miguel Jódar, had the pleasure of attending the communication and advertising forum of Granada Conectada, in which we enjoyed the interventions of Luis Bassat, Almudena Ariza, Lorenzo Milá, Macarena Rey, Raúl Berdonés and the fantastic presenter Fernando Díaz de la Guardia.

The event took place at the headquarters of Fundación Caja Granada and we tell you everything!
Objective of this forum
In this forum, the most important aspects that must be taken into account in the communication related to the province of Granada, the milestones that take place in this territory and the necessary elements for the construction of a brand and a story about its place of origin have been discussed.
The objective of this forum is to offer the keys to build development strategies in the city of Granada and capture that roadmap of where you want to achieve the future of this province.

During the course of the forum, we were able to collect the most important ideas of these experts, who made us reflect on the importance of our land and the communication that must take place.
Macarena Rey, told us about the conditions of Granada, an exceptional and different place, where the spectacularity is sought by the people and about the importance of the places that facilitate production. Macarena told us about the importance of flexibility and availability of the cultural environments of our region , tax incentives for production and in general, that Granada has unique characteristics.
In addition, Macarena stressed that Granada has everything in its hand for the production of large events and highlights the need for financing needed to carry out these projects.
He also told us about the impact of Master Chef , its passage and the attraction it creates, since it is achieved that the exteriors of where it is shot reach to be a tourist attraction, inside and outside our country.
On the other hand, Luis Bassat, publicist and art collector focused on the importance of the product.
Today’s product is tomorrow’s brand, the best money you can invest is in the product
Luis Bassat
The public is becoming more intelligent and selective, people know more about the product than the seller himself. Every detail we do must be designed to improve the product and evolve with it.
To communicate taking into account a city, you have to know how to find the common denominator to communicate everything and know how to summarize it in a phrase or a word. Luis Bassat tells us that Granada has a famous song to promote.
Granada dream land
Luis Bassat
The importance of covering this song for each target audience is a great strategy for communication. Luis Bassat gave us as an example the jingles and the incredible strength they have, the “chup chup” of Avecrem, the experience of Helmans with the song of “Hey Man” or the slogan “Just Do It” that is so important that it can appear without the brand.
Speaking about tourism, Luis stressed the importance of tourists feeling welcomed in cities so that people want to stay and live.
Another important issue that Luis shared with the people who were in the forum, was the dilemma between a rational and sentimental choice, believing to be rational people in many ways and aspects of life, but in reality it is decided taking into account the tastes.
We do not buy for rational reasons but for emotional reasons
Luis Bassat
On the other hand, Raúl Berdonés, Founder and Executive President of Secuoya Grupo de Comunicación gave importance to talent, audiovisual production and the need to convince of the profitability of carrying out a project in a geographical location such as Granada.
Lorenzo Milá, Journalist gave us the keys to success in communication, such as being yourself, naturalness and reflection on where the limit of each social network is, since the arrival of the internet seemed to give freedom but has meant an explosion of information, and in many cases false.
The final conclusion of this Luis Bassat has been that what he would like is for Granada to have the slogan of “Granada, dream land” and the importance of knowing how to communicate from there.
The conclusion we draw from this forum is that all the improvements and proposals that are being made are carried out, and that once done they can meet again to see how everything is working. If pomegranate becomes a great power, so do pomegranate companies.