CTG Assembly technological circle of Granada


David Pérez, Director of Close·marketing, has attended the Assembly of the Technological Circle of Granada, where we are members of an association in which technology companies find a place to group needs and work together to solve them.

We are currently 50 associates, a large number if we think that it represents as mentioned between 3,000 and 4,000 employees dedicated to technology. And of those, this year it has grown by more than 60%, with 19 new associates.

Lines of work

According to the report of our president Marcelo Vázquez, the lines in which the association will work are the following:

  • Training and talent acquisition.
  • Office spaces. All the companies that we are, we need space and modern office buildings, close and that allow the expansion of our business.
  • Promotion of companies. ETSIIT University of Granada, Chamber of Commerce and Confederation of Entrepreneurs.
  • Legal and labor framework. A working committee has been established with the trade unions in order to establish a common framework where companies can establish a more appropriate agreement for recruitment.
  • Communication of the activity.

Upcoming events

2 major events are consolidated in the association: 24/6 Tech Party for managers and employees and 11/11 the professional event that was held last year.

Finally Malt, was explaining the advantages of his platform for hiring Freelancers and Vicente de parainmigrantes.info the ways to hire non-EU people that companies have.

In Close·marketing, we see this type of forum as very interesting since it allows us to group needs and have some recognition by institutions.

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Especialista en Marketing y Marketing en Internet, desarrolla su trabajo ayudando a las empresas a conseguir negocios en Internet.

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