Search for hashtags without dying in the attempt

Hagtag, jaska haktag… It doesn’t matter how you pronounce it. The important thing is not to forget about it when you share your publications on social networks. How to search for hashtags, how to use them or how important they are. We’ll tell you!

Although Twitter was the first social network where this new communication element was used, it has managed to spread to other networks thanks to its ability to classify and make content more visible.

What they are

A hashtag is a keyword preceded by a hash (#) and is used to categorize content on social networks. The use of this element helps the interaction, reach and visibility of other users interested in that topic.

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Therefore, a hashtag is still a way to connect with others and organize.

Why they are so important

Although its use is not mandatory when making a publication, it is totally recommended to look for hashtags to put if you want to give it visibility. In the following image we find the data of a publication in which they have used hashtags along with another in which they have not.

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As you can see, in which they have been used, the scope is much greater. The same goes for comments, likes and profile visits. See the difference?

How to use them and recommendations

  • Identify the topic: What is the content you’re publishing about? Looking for hashtags with that keyword will help those interested in your topic to find you.
  • Write your keyword next to the pad: avoid using all lowercase and spaces.
  • Avoid repeating hashtag in the same publication or abusing them since we can be penalized by not showing our content.
  • Search for popular hashtags, your best ally: avoid creating new ones, because if you are using one with the same theme, users will access that content more easily than if others are used that will be more difficult to search. Follow the trends!
  • Be brief: a hashtag should not be a sentence or an entire paragraph. At least with hashtags, less is sometimes more.

How NOT to use them

Just as important is knowing how to use hashtags as knowing what not to do. Avoid using long phrases that don’t have searches like #BeautyProductsForSpecialOccasions or very general ones like #Products. Remember that people who want to search for hashtags will use short, concise, and specific terms.

A good dynamic to determine which hashtag is ideal for your publication is to imagine what you would look for if you wanted to search for something in particular. If for example we wanted to find a recipe that uses hake for a Christmas we would not look for #RecipesWithHake ForChristmasInFamily, but something like #RecipesWithHake #ChristmasRecipes.

In the event that we want to follow trends, we must never forget who we are and what we offer. If the hashtag #PremiosÓscars is trending and our content has nothing to do with that event, don’t use it. It will generate confusion and you can even be banned.

Another thing you should not do if you want to get reach with your hashtags is not to look at the statistics of the posts. Visits to the profile, accesses from these, comments… Seeing this type of data will help you define what kind of hashtags work and which don’t (and even tools like Metricool can help you with monitoring)

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Search for indicated hashtags

On Instagram we can not see the trending hashtags unlike the Trending Topics of Twitter, but when writing them we can see the publications that have used it or even see recommended thanks to the artificial intelligence tools of those apps. There are also platforms that can help you in your choice, but we must not forget that good network management must be complemented with a good marketing and content strategy.

Now that you know the keys to be able to use and search for hashtags correctly, it’s time to leave yourself in the hands of Close·marketing to be able to advise you perfectly and reach the largest possible audience. Did you like this article? #TeLeemos

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Álvaro Dallas

Con experiencia en la publicidad, mi pasión reside en el diseño. Mi objetivo es aportar soluciones gráficas e invitar a los clientes a un viaje hacia la creatividad.

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