Reasons to include micro influencers in your social media strategy

Micro influencers have become a useful tool for companies that want to make themselves known through social networks. Learn about their features, benefits and how they can help you increase your sales. We’ll tell you!

In an environment where we are continually bombarded with information, consumers find traditional advertising unattractive and continually see celebrities advertise brands. For this reason, micro influencers are born as a solution to achieve efficiency in a smaller and closer communication.

What are micro influencers?

While a macro influencer comprises from 100,000 to one million followers, micro influencers have from 1,000 to 100,000 followers. They are also characterized because they do not usually have intermediaries and arrive in a more local way.

According to Marketing Hub, micro influencers have four times the engagement rate (level of follower engagement) with a much lower budget than large influencers.

Razones Para Incluir micro influencers En Tu Estrategia De Social Media 1

Therefore, thinking about investing a lot of money in the influencer of the moment as the first option, may not be the best choice.

Why are they so effective?

A false belief is to think that the more followers an influencer has, the more capacity he has of conviction or greater conversions we will get with his collaboration. Micro influencers usually belong to smaller niches with a more loyal audience and interested in the topic they deal with.

Let’s try an example. If we are a company dedicated to selling accessories of Apple products, it would be more effective to work with a micro influencer whose content revolves around that brand instead of choosing a macro influencer who talks about technology in general. While the former will remain interested in Apple products, the latter will be followed by people interested in a wide variety of brands and their message will not be as effective.

Another characteristic that micro influencers possess is that of proximity. We will trust more in the message that imitates us someone with fewer followers with whom we can feel identified instead of a macro influencer who every day collaborates with a different brand. Your message will gain more credibility and we will trust that they recommend the brand for agreeing with their values and products.

In economic factors they are also more profitable. Micro influencers cost less and get more engagement.

How collaboration is managed

Before making a collaboration or launching an action with a micro influencer, it must be taken into account that everything must be spoken and managed beforehand.

Once the influencer is selected, it would be necessary to talk to him and let him know the reason for the collaboration, objectives and benefits of it. It is advisable to investigate or ask what kind of actions and strategies have worked best for you before to determine how to collaborate.

How much does it cost to work with micro influencers?

It will depend on the type of micro influencer, the niche to which it belongs, format and / or platform, etc. That is why it is something complex to define.

You have to determine where the collaboration will be made, take into account the number of followers, the commitment you are going to have with the brand and various details of the campaign such as number of publications or level of responsibility in the creation of content. Everything will depend on what is needed with each collaboration.

In conclusion, having micro influencers in your social media strategy can make your message reach people interested in your brand, product or service through a trusted voice. At Close·marketing we help you achieve this. After telling you all this, would you dare to collaborate with micro influencers? We read you!

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Álvaro Dallas

Con experiencia en la publicidad, mi pasión reside en el diseño. Mi objetivo es aportar soluciones gráficas e invitar a los clientes a un viaje hacia la creatividad.

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