Online Advertising

Boost your business thanks to online advertising

Online advertising is nowadays a profitable strategy to reach your target audience. Therefore, we must know your customers and know what kind of messages we can direct so that they hire your services or buy your products.

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What is online advertising?

Online advertising is a set of strategies to publicize your product or service using the network as a means of communication. It is the most direct and effective way to reach as many customers as possible. Market trends, search engine algorithms and consumer tastes are constantly changing. We analyze them to create 100% effective campaigns.

Online advertising can be done through the following major players:

Los Motores De Búsqueda

Search engines

Here the main player is Google, with its Advertising Program Google Ads.

Las Redes Sociales.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Twitter. The segmentation capacity is its greatest asset to use with respect to our business objectives.

Medios De Comunicación En Línea

Online Media

Traditional media have digital editions that allow advertising.

Advantages of online advertising

Group 94 1

Increase in audience.

Group 95

Unique audience segmentation capabilities.

Group 96

Simple, fast and direct.

Group 97 1

Economic service.

How does online advertising work ?

When we receive a request from a company, we conduct a study with a forecast of the possible results it can achieve. This is achieved thanks to the fact that the different advertising media offer tools that allow us to predict the possible results. But first, we must define the target audience, or who could be the most interested users in your services.

We create an advertising campaign analyzing your brand and based on goals to achieve. We create one or more sets of ads that lead us to achieve the established focusing on your target audience.

Our work process

Detection of needs and objectives

Online market research

Campaign proposal

Application of the campaign in different media

Control and surveillance

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Where to invest in online advertising?

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

Ads on Youtube

Ads on LinkedIn

Ads on Instagram

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Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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