WordPress Maintenance

WordPress is an open-source, sophisticated, global CMS and one of the most widely used in the world, this makes it a target for attacks and spam. To prevent that from happening, you must have a WordPress Maintenance.

Why hire WordPress Maintenance?

Our WordPress Maintenance Service allows us to provide the assurance to our customers that the website is protected, functional, has an optimal configuration and also is periodically reviewed for its installation, update of plugins and system versions. With this service you will be able to have a secure and reliable website.

Close·marketing has been working on the WordPress platform since 2008, creating Web Design, making WordPress plugins and developing their own developments.

mantenimiento para wordpress logo

Most Common WordPress Maintenance Tasks

Mantenimiento De WordPress Error 2

Updates with error detection and correction.

We update WordPress to the latest version and make design fixes and possible minor bugs to make your website look brilliant.

Mantenimiento De WordPress Error

WordPress installation failed.

By updating WordPress, your website gains security, but it is also possible that it will present errors in the installation. With our maintenance, forget about them thanks to our exhaustive review.

Actualización De Plugins

Plugin Update.

In maintenance tasks, it is very important to analyze the new versions of the plugins on your website and the conflicts with the WordPress version.

Mantenimiento De WordPress Atencion

Security issues.

WordPress is the most widely used and secure CMS. However, it is also the most exposed. We work every day on the security of your website and to avoid possible attacks.

Discover everything we can offer youClose Elemento

Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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