SEO Web Positioning

Positioning is a step forward for those entrepreneurs who not only want to be present on the Internet, but also get new customers. Search engines like Google are a great source of intentions made by users. And focused on the company, they are intentions to improve information about a product, service, company, and make a possible purchase.

That is, improving google’s search position means being more present for consumers with a predisposition to your product or service.

Get new Customers thanks to the Internet

Our Web Positioning service is mainly based on knowing what goals you have on your website, how you would like to accomplish them and working to help meet those goals. Your Website is like another storefront, with a different customer and therefore with different marketing strategies.

Organic Positioning aims to be present in the first positions of the search engine when making queries related to your activity, product, service or web content.

SEO Strategy

The initial approach is to get more traffic to your website from customers looking for your products/services,therefore, it is necessary that we first consider the needs and objectives of the Company on the Internet.

To do this, we follow the following methodology for a successful strategy:

1. Project Objectives

Definition of Objectives

Initial Report: Status of your website and Positioning

2. Actions to Be Performed

Demand Analysis and Potentials
Analysis Structure Information, content and needs
SEO On Page Optimization Actions
External SEO Actions: Recruitment of Links

3. Maintenance and Monitoring

Documentation Actions performed

Weekly Report Tracking Online Marketing

4. Measurement

Measurements Indicators on Initial Reference

Improvement Actions


The key: Methodology and Implementation

We do not just provide advice, but we also implement such actions and follow up.

Continuous work focused on achieving objectives, and measuring them makes us able to meet your Searcher Presence needs.

SEO en WordPress de Closemarketing

SEO on WordPress

Our Content Management platform, in which we are specialized and optimize for proper operation. It is a Platform that is already very optimized for search engines, but that with a correct configuration and optimization, will be able to perform much more.

In addition to SEO Jobs, for WordPress we perform specific jobs:

Optimizing Duplicate Content

The main problem with this platform is duplicate pages for different reasons.

Monitoring Pages Error and Redirection

Detection Pages Error and redirection to new ones transparently to the User and effective for Search engines.

Rich Snippets or Microdotes

Make it easier for the search engine to better understand your Page. We explain how.

Installation and Configuration SEO Plugins

From our experience, we already have several plugins that work for us and work very well for SEO.

Detection of Broken Links

Don’t send your users to error pages giving faulty navigation.

Improved Page Load

WordPress Upload Speed is a factor for Google Positioning.

Discover everything we can offer youClose Elemento

Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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