Youtube Ad Management

As an Online Marketing agency, we are professionals specialized in Youtube advertising and its management.

Youtube is today the second-largest search engine, with millions of users searching the video platform every day. In addition to the millions of video views, where your company can be present. Youtube Ads uses data from Google to show your ad to the right users at the right time. You will be able to reach your customers and attract new ones.

Youtube Logo

And you might think? This should require a significant investment. And this is not the case, as advertising on Youtube is available to small and medium-sized businesses , who want to advertise their products or services, and also improve their notoriety through this channel.

How do we manage advertising on Youtube?

To be able to make announcements through the Youtube network, we need to perform a series of steps.


1. We analyze the situation of your business

We analyze and study the needs of your business and what goals you want to achieve with it. In addition, we see how we are going to achieve this.


2. We create ad videos

We create videos for companies to communicate everything users need to know about them through creative and eye-catching videos.


3. Creation Ad Campaign

We carry out the advertising campaign by establishing a budget so that the objectives set are achieved.


4. Ad Optimization & Reporting

We analyze the progress of the announcements and the situation in which they are in case we need to make some changes and establish a detailed report with the results obtained.

Types of ads on Youtube

There are many dynamic features that Youtube offers for advertisers and the choice of the type of ad is related to the type of campaign to be carried out.

1. TrueView Ads

In this type of ads you pay per view and there are several types. The idea of this type of ad is to make it easier for users to discover it by placing it in a visible place.

Anuncios Trueview

2. Bumper Ads

They are 6-second videos that serve to capture the user’s attention, achieving high and striking productivity. They appear before you watch a video.

Anuncios Trueview 1

3. Masthead Formats:

Aimed at companies with a large budget, they are ads that appear exclusively on the main page of Youtube at the top when entering the website.

Formatos Masthead

4. Mobile Ads (Out-Stream)

Smartphone browsing figures are increasing, so these types of ads appear on different websites in the form of banners to reach as many users as possible.

Anuncios Para Móviles (out Stream)

Benefits of betting on advertising on Youtube

Advertising videos today are a safe bet for companies. Reaching the audience through a format that allows image and sound allows you to get closer to the emotional perspective of the user. This is why Youtube Ads campaigns are very effective, but, let’s see what other advantages it will have for your business. Read!

Advertising Targeting

To reach your desired audience, Youtube Ads is the best way to do it. The impact created with video ads is greater on this platform and we can reach users who are not found on others.


Youtube Ads campaigns allow us different segmentation options, such as location, demographics, topics, audiences or placements so that the ads are targeted to the most suitable users.

Youtube Close

Different formats

We can find different formats for advertising depending on the objectives of the company.

Exposure control

We can control the number of daily impacts that the ad we have launched will have in order to position ourselves in the user’s mind.

Are you betting on Youtube Ads campaigns? Contact us!

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Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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