PDF Web Forms

Digitization is essential for any type of business today, which brings constant changes, adjustments and novelties, but it can also be a great competitiveadvantage, essential in all sectors and recommended for all companies, whether small, medium or large and for professionals.

Using pdf web forms helps you save administrative costs when you use paper, fix errors by forcing conditional logic, and allow you to connect to other services without loss of information such as management programs.


1. Digitizing processes

It brings benefits for companies such as being able to view reports in real time, automate classification, processing, evaluation, administration, etc. It also brings advantages for users: it saves them writing time and connects to the brand dynamically creating a better experience for them and facilitates registrations.

2. Savings on administrative costs

Unlike manual data collection systems, online forms do not require collection, storage, and distribution personnel. When produced digitally, objects or utensils such as paper, print media, printing equipment and printing materials, etc. are also not necessary.

3. Error reduction

When requesting the essential data and grouping by related fields, they will be designed according to the needs of each client in addition to self-adapting following a logical line depending on the progress and progress that the user carries. Users will be able to see clearly which fields are required to fill in and which are not.

4. Allows the customer to pay through the web

Payments and online transactions came to stay. The percentage of these is increasing compared to those made in physical establishments or performed in person. Companies that do not offer them may be outdated or in charge of losing potential customers.

5. Greater control over information

When performing a search or query it will be possible to solve it more quickly and agilely, because we can locate it through a simple search engine and help us with filters for a highly accurate investigation.

It will be accessible at any day and time, from any computer or device (in case of working with several or working from different places) and for all members or employees who have the proper authorization.

Security will play a key role, any entity is required to meet certain criteria that guarantee the rules and rights relating to the security and privacy of the data and information collected and stored, with these digitized reports and forms and the help of other complementary programs security will be latent.

6. Being able to respond in times of high demand

Companies are not outside the calendar, if not quite the opposite, in fact, many of them base their organization and plan all their processes, and even the sale of their products according to the characteristics that it holds. In the case of pdf web forms, theywill also have times when their demand will increase, such as in the months of September as well as the month before it and its subsequent month, whether for enrolments to courses, academies, schools, institutes, other trainings, etc. Registration periods for schools or on the dates near sporting events or other events.

7. Greater range

The digital environment does not set geographical boundaries so your pdf forms will be able to reach other regions without any problem and on an equal footing.

8. Road to Ecology

It will no longer be necessary to use large quantities of paper and ink, so we will reduce the environmental impact drastically while our company is branded somewhat against its competitors and for customers who increasingly value stocks like this.

Also applicable for Centers

Allows conditional logic


Enrollment for Academies.

Enroll your students thanks to our form, in which you can request information from the student, make certain fields mandatory, so that the form fulfills its task, receive the correct data of the student.

Pdf Matricula Academias

Enrolling in Courses

Registration at sporting events

Exam enrollment


We have the digitization of the SEPA form so that you can create direct debit receipts without errors. It collects all the information and automatically sends the signed document to the customer.

Pdf Domiciliacion Sepa

Discover everything we can offer youClose Elemento

Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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