Product photography

A great tool to increase your sales

Product photography is a specific type of photography that is used above all in e-commerce to present your products, but also in online letters, menus or for design on social networks.

It is an element that helps businesses, whether they have an online presence or not, to increase the value of their products and the visual perception of the brand, which allows us to better connect with the consumer.

With a good product photography we will make customers feel that they have the product in their own hands, and with that we will be able to attract the customer towards the final purchase of the product. Good photos of the product show all the characteristics that it has so that the consumer is safe with his purchase.

Images adapted to your style and your brand

We make images adapted to the personality of your brand, to respect the corporate identity that represents it. The images can be used for different purposes, such as: Web covers, headers, digital menu, online store, advertising banners, web or physical catalog, promotions on social networks, etc.

We take care of the entire process after taking the photograph until it reaches the consumer. We adapt to each situation to edit them and make a design that is perfect and a measure so that your brand stands out and both current and potential customers decide to buy from your business.

The Close·marketing team carries out product photography work for companies in different environments: fashion, home and decoration, food, restaurants, accessories, industrial products, packaging, and many more.

Benefits of product photography

Increase your sales

The quality of the photography of the products is one of the factors that will make the consumer complete the purchase process.

Users decide to buy in those businesses that include photographs of their products since it provides reliability to the consumer.

Enhance the experience

Online it is impossible to touch the product, but with quality product photography this lack is no longer so important.

By offering different views of the product, zoom or other variables, the consumer will have a favorable experience during the purchase.

Increases recurrence

In the case of an online store, the rate of returns is reduced, which allows purchases to be recurring.

The loyalty of your customers who will have obtained the product that they had really seen and expected is encouraged.

Give visibility to your brand

Including product photography in your business increases its visibility in the online world.

The photographs may be used in different digital media, such as social networks, your website or in your catalog, which differentiates you from other companies that do not.

Some works done

Here you can see some of the product photography work we have done at Close·marketing for different businesses.

Photographic report of meals for Atracón Restaurant

Photographic report for Aceites La Perla de Mágina

Realización y edición de fotografía de producto de botellas de aceite

Photographic report for Congelados Apolo

Product photography for promotion on Social Networks Incognito Brand

Fotografia De Producto Moda
Fotografia De Producto Sudadera
Fotografia De Producto Incognito Brand
Fotografia De Producto Camiseta

Do you want the best photos for your products?

Discover everything we can offer youClose Elemento

Marketing Online

Somos tu empresa de marketing online en Granada. Optimizamos tu web con SEO, Contenidos, Redes y Mantenimiento para que consigas más clientes.

Graphic Design

At Closemarketing we create a renewed, updated and attractive image for your business. Improve your image to customers and generate new ones.

Online Advertising

Online advertising is direct advertising, expressly aimed at your potential customers, measurable instantly and with the possibility of being optimized at any time.

Diseño Web

Estamos especializados en crear identidades en Internet. que es hoy en día un canal de comunicación esencial que nos permite atraer a nuevos clientes interesados en nuestros servicios.


We are your multimedia communication agency Granada. Seduce, engage and convince your customers that they should choose you with multimedia content.

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